Night Swim
In the water to enter cautiously. Never jump into places that are not specially equipped. Even if the day before the site was safe for diving, over the course of the night could bring a snag or something thrown into the water. – Do not swim far, because You can not calculate their strength. Feeling tired, do not get lost and seek, as soon as possible to swim to shore.
Need to "rest" on the water. Please do not learn to swim on their backs. Turning over on his back and supporting himself on a surface lightly arms and legs, you can relax – if captured over, do not try to fight it. Must swim downstream and gradually at a slight angle, approaching the shore – do not get lost, even if caught in the maelstrom. Need to get more air into the lungs to dive into the water and making a strong push to the side, emerge – in ponds with lots of algae is necessary to try to swim near the surface of water, not touching the plants, making no sudden movements. If, however, arm or leg go awry stems, it is necessary to make a stop (accepted, to "float", "floating") and get rid of them – do not float on inflatable mattresses, inner tubes and inflatable toys. Wind or current can be attributed to very far from shore and the waves – to overwhelm, they may leave the air, and they lose their buoyancy. Swimming with mask, snorkel and fins require special care: – do not swim with the tube in a strong sea state.
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