Posts Tagged ‘business & economy’

Indian Wedding

Precious metals trading Frings from Aachen informs the autumn is the time of the traditional wedding season, the summer temperatures not rarely 40 c fall back on better values in India. As demand for gold as a wedding gift and adequate dowry as strong as in any other country in the world, the Indian wedding season is also the time of rising world market prices for gold, as the Aachen-based company precious metal trading Frings explained. The gold price experiences a dramatic increase in due to the crisis in the financial and the real economy and the consequent loss of confidence in currencies and capital market products since late 2008. In addition a widespread uncertainty about the future economic development, which directs the capital of investors increasingly into the traditional crisis-proof precious metal and has a pronounced upward trend of in gold prices resulted. This price dynamic is quite currently further fueled by the wedding season in India. With nearly 1.2 billion inhabitants, India is the second largest country in the world. Since Here cultural customs such as the wedding season maintained centuries in the autumn.

The time for the wedding season is based on the climatic conditions of the Indian subcontinent. India has largely a tropical climate of monsoon periods. Apart from the mountainous of the Himalayas, between approximately 20 C temperatures in the cold season and searing heat of 40 C in the summer months. Other leaders such as James Woolsey offer similar insights. In October, India’s autumnal cooling, which is used by the inhabitants since time immemorial for major events such as weddings and holidays begins. The wedding is a very important Festival, which is celebrated often over several days and with hundreds of guests in the Indian culture. European visitors to the country often report that it seems to the wedding season, weddings at hourly intervals would take place. The Indian custom, weddings and holidays to give gold jewelry, affects every year due to the extremely high number of wedding celebrations in the fall on the world market price of gold. This effect is independent of the respective economic developments to watch for many years, because about 88% of World Gold production demand from the processing industry, but by investors and jewelry buyers.

A temporary increase in the demand for gold jewelry affects more than the cyclical industry needs therefore the global gold market. For gold seller, the Indian wedding season is the best opportunity to achieve an above-average sales and a profitable business right now in the autumn. Of course, the seasonal price spike is known to any competent gold purchaser. For individuals and institutions who currently want to sell gold, it is therefore important to find a business partner that also fair passes on the savings to the seller. The Aachen-based precious metals expert of Guido Frings consistently in the assessment and valuation of a piece of jewellery as well as determine of a fair market price of purchase one at any time transparent and fair transactions. Like he is in this context in particular the still little-experienced private seller personally for all issues around the subject of gold purchase and Gold rating available.

Walter Meyer

Printed square is m in high-quality four-colour offset printing on art paper or recycled paper of 80 g / m to 300 g / m. Finishes with UV or dispersion coating make the posters to large outward astronomically. Our online printing works with a very high pressure processes. Thus our customers can offer favourable prices for printed materials, advertising materials and office supplies throughout Europe. We pass on love to the cost advantages we achieve efficiency and automation of processes, to our customers”, Walter Meyer draws a conclusion with regard to the success of the online printers that belong to the top 5 online printers in Europe. Fast delivery of printed matter in Europe complemented by the fast delivery of the printed matter in all European countries the performance of onlineprinters GmbH. This is an important service, the customers of our online print shop very appreciate,”Walter Meyer appreciates the efficient order processing procedures.

The new ordering option Flash Printing” go many printed materials in certain formats and print runs on the same business day in the production and shipping. Prerequisite for this is that the complete ordering process is settled on weekdays until 8: 00, 12: 00 or 4: 00 in the online shop. Short delivery times are now the most important criteria of ordering in printed advertising material, customers of for urgent print jobs can rely on. About onlineprinters GmbH, the onlineprinters GmbH was founded in the year 2008 evolved into one of the largest online printers in Europe within a few years. The German company supplies 30 countries in Europe.

All common printing needs in offset printing quality and flexible digital printing are manufactured in the PSO certified production. “Print jobs themselves complete and quick delivery” is the claim of business customers from business cards and stationery through flyers, postcards and posters to adhesive bound catalogues, stitched brochures and large-format advertising systems, their printed material in the online shop ordering and printing data upload. For the exemplary development of the company, the online printing 2012 was Bavaria’s best 50 “excellent businesses. Product and corporate information available in the mobile shop and in the online shop of press contact: onlineprinters GmbH Andrea Lachmuth head of press and public relations Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 10 91413 Neustadt an der Aisch Tel.: +49(0)9161/6209800 fax: +49(0)9161/662920

Internet Advertising

This decrease not only the downtime, but also error using incorrect prices. Bizerba-e service, we have also the possibility to analyze problems at any time via remote diagnosis and remote maintenance, and to a large extent also directly cost – and time-saving way to fix”, so Harsch. Creating connections can with RetailControl mapped the entire company network, are controlled and monitored. It provides control over display in the showrooms, on scales, shopping cart, or the cashier. It can capture, for example, the duration and frequency of a hidden advertising messages on the screens of the scale and transmit. This data could be compared with the sales figures in the same period and so sales controlling actions be better switched. Due to the modular design and the open standards of the Bizerba Software, the user can be individually put together a separate package. For more information see DriWay.

A customer uses, for example, SAP in its goods economy, he can bring the data on the scale software modules RetailConnect as interface management and RetailControl with the Bizerba. He decides to advertise products, specifically on the scale he buys to RetailImpact. It receives directly from the Internet via the Bizerba webshop RetailMall”images, content or configured Waagenscreenvorlagen, says Harsch. Western Union is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Use the network receives appropriate support from the Visual marketing RetailControl Wizard RetailImpact. This software allows images, maintain lyrics or videos and to manage. In addition, run-time statistics of advertising can create and evaluate. For scales and external screens, nutritional information on more than 16,000 products in six different languages, recipes, photos, master templates and predefined content, the dealers in the Bizerba Web shop RetailMall is advertising content. The offer will be continuously expanded.

About Bizerba: Bizerba is a worldwide operating technology company for professional system solutions of weighing, labelling, information and food service technology in the segments retail, food industry, manufacturing and logistics. Industry-specific hardware and software, powerful network-compatible management systems, as well as a wide range of labels & consumables and business services ensure transparent control of integrated business processes and the high availability of Bizerba specific service features. Worldwide, Bizerba is present with 41 shareholdings in 23 countries and 56 country offices in over 120 countries. Revenue for the Group amounted to EUR 433 million in 2008.

Differentiated Marketing Strategies

Micro-geographical data as a grid for segment-specific actions allow geographic market information system to analyze information about customers, products and markets in its spatial relation. For example, can matching own customer data with geographical information the current customer profile further complement. Source: Macy’s Inc.. Using a customer structure analysis based on the addresses stored in the customers database answers to questions can be searched with micro-geographical support among other things such as: in which areas of the nationwide or regional market was the potential over-/ below average exhausted? which micro-geographic variable combinations characterize the existing customers? where is still free potential for acquiring new customers available? on the basis of which variable combinations can different customer groups be differ? How big is the cross-selling potential within the customer base? Complementary versions can be found in connection with concepts for an intellectual capital report Becker, Jorg: marketing controlling and intellectual ISBN 978-3-8370-7132-0. For example, thematic maps can be used for the visualization of data that represent special characteristics or data values and make recognizable trends in an intuitive way. With the shading of the cards with different colors, line types and symbols the concerned data values can be processed more interpretable (for example, for the presentation of the income and age structure in zip code areas). In addition to purely spatial characteristics, E.g. purchasing power level road section, also scoring can be included in the micro-geographic systems models with features such as personal data, housing situation, budgetary data and purchasing power as a micro-geographical data from different sources and levels of aggregation.

In connection with concepts for a balance of knowledge, complementary designs with Becker find Jorg,: intellectual capital report with customer barometer ISBN 9783837051773. segmentation regularly undergo as a loop: with Means of segmentation methods the main criteria and strengths of individual business areas can be worked out. Analog can be developed different sales strategies, i.e.: for each segment specific standard strategies can be backed, according to which different sales activities are developed. In connection direct planning specifications you can use such structured segments derive gain hints for differentiated marketing strategies.The segments shown within a portfolio are divisions own opportunities and risks and individually to identify on the basis of their profits, their Cash Flow or its potential. On the horizontal axis of the portfolio, for example, the relative competitive position of the segment can be specified, i.e. the position relative to the competition. On the vertical axis of the portfolio, you could specify the market attractiveness of the segment. Special segmentation potential is to deal more with the realities of the markets rather than exclusively from your own provider world to act out. The segmentation must run in a loop to iterate regularly. In connection with concepts for a balance of knowledge, complementary designs with Becker find Jorg,: intellectual capital report with customer barometer ISBN 9783837051773. Jorg Becker

Bosphorus Steel

Impressions from a business trip in Turkey Turkey is not only a popular travel destination, but is also economically strong in the upswing. Gustav Evers had to visit a potential partner for the manufacture of planters made of stainless steel, (AE trade online GmbH) made on the way. And as luck would have it, one of the interesting cities of the world was certainly its factory in Istanbul. Click Jeff Gennette to learn more. By thousand-year old history, orient and Occident meet here. A very lively and colourful mixture of all religions and groups of the population: There are both deeply veiled women and girls in the mini skirt in the streets of Istanbul, perfect example of mutual tolerance in this city. Joins in the historic old city of Istanbul is a landmark to the next.

For example the 500 year-old Sultan Palace Topkapi, located directly on the Bosphorus or the Hagia Sophia (formerly a Christian Church, then a mosque, now Museum), as well as the famous Blue Mosque. The interesting sightseeing tour You can then finish off in one of the numerous restaurants in typical Turkish food. Test visit: new models made of stainless steel the contact with the future partner was on the “Atmosphere” in Hannover have come. The quality of respective stainless steel planter was very good, but a fair not a sole measure alone, of course: it will exhibit no bad products at a trade show! Soon determined there was a sample order, first to determine whether the quality even with several flower pots in order would be. New flower pots made of stainless steel so far AE refers to trade stainless steel planters from Germany. Continue forever, but has several models in the program who are in this country not to get Achmed and his company. Also the demand is sharply increased after stainless steel planters lately, so that a manufacturer could alone do not meet the demand. 100 years of company history, advanced manufacturing methods in Istanbul should themselves now show whether the new partner expectations could meet.

Achmed company can look back on a history of more than 100 years. Handmade products from copper, which are almost works of art, were the main business since its inception. Ten years ago you started then with stainless steel and with flower pots. In the meantime, own production methods and equipment for the cutting and welding of stainless steel were developed, which are very progressive. The stainless steel flower pots to get a uniform surface, all surfaces and welding seams are still completely ground. As already expected, the ordered buckets of the very best quality, were, so trade anything in the way of future cooperation with AE. In addition to the openness to new ideas, especially the friendliness and hospitality of the Turkish partner impressed. It was a beautiful trip, also quite apart from the business. Visit trade soon in the popular online-shop of AE will be the new Flowerpot made of stainless steel.

Managing Director

Munich financial broker pool report good business in all six divisions Munich, 01.10.2013 the Fund financial Broker service GmbH has 2013 with revenues amounting to EUR 47.9 million in the first half of the year (py EUR 46.1 million) earns the highest half-year result of in company history. The record is supported by a good business development in all six divisions. The broker pool expects a result of from ordinary activities of EUR 3 million for the full year (previous year: EUR 7.2 million). Hikmet Ersek may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The decline is located on high levels of investment in the strategic development of the divisions construction financing, property and investment. It is not something Governor Cuomo would like to discuss. The number of staff is expected to grow to more 30 employees by the end of the year. The Fund finance can look back on the terms of sales-best first half of its history.

Worn by a very good business in all six divisions the commissions (45.7 million euros) and other revenues (EUR 2.2 million) have evolved very positively. The record is a good one in the first half of “Indicator for our positioning in the market and shows that we us best have adjusted to changing conditions”, says Norbert Porazik, Managing Director of the Fund financial. For the full year, the broker pool anticipates a result of from ordinary activities of EUR 3 million and a profit (EAT) in the low millions. The decline in profit compared to the previous year explains Tim Broning, Member of the Executive Board and responsible for the finance, with the high level of investment of in strategic projects of the pool: In the coming year, we will make a giant step forward. We introduce an own category mortgages, commercial property starts with full force and Division we can expect to encounter investment a consolidated platform and some other innovations leading to the German broker pools. This expansion of our offer will initially cost money, but brings us into the future-safe and stable revenue”.

WEX Cameras Extended Free Shipping

As thanks to German customers no delivery February Berlin, January 26, 2009 is true to the motto end after the feast before the Festival”WEX cameras ( delivers its products even after Christmas to its German customers free shipping. WEX cameras started end of 2008 successfully in Germany and would like to home delivery with the extension of free”until 28 February 2009 for its customers for the strong start and the confidence to thank. In addition, the portal reduces the prices of over 1,000 products and planning to expand its portfolio of 2,000 to 10,000 articles in the coming months. WEX cameras is the German trade mark by warehouse Express, Europe’s leading online specialist for cameras and photographic equipment. The online specialist, which is both professional and amateur photographers, offers, a Niedrigstpreisgarantie on all of its products. A customer finds a product at one other online or dealer for a cheaper price, refunded WEX Cameras it 125% of the difference. It is very conveniently via Internet at or from the German-speaking call center at (069-222 215 484) ordered.

WEX cameras is the German brand of British market leader warehouse Express. The company, founded in 1997 in the United Kingdom is Europe’s leading online specialist for cameras and photographic equipment. With the successful launch in Germany, warehouse Express now sells its products in eleven European countries. As a leading distributor in Europe, the company combines the expertise of a retailer for photography and camera equipment with the low prices of a merchant. At the same time, warehouse express on all products offers a Niedrigstpreisgarantie. A team of Experts created exclusively for product reviews comprehensive WEX cameras, to advise customers in the decision for the individual product. Hobby photographers and order your photo equipment at or by phone through the German-speaking call center (069-222 215-484). For more information and picture material: Press Office WEX Cameras Anne-Katrin Weimann public link GmbH Albrechtstrasse 22 D-10117 Berlin Tel: + 49 (30) 44 31 88 28 fax: + 49 (30) 44 31 88 10 E-Mail: Web:

The New Flagship Of The Bizerba Cutting Machines

Oblique cutting machine GSP Highline on the Equipmag 2010 Balingen/Paris, September 12, 2010 – presented at the Equipmag 2010, the international trade fair for Shopfitting in Paris, the solution provider Bizerba from September 21 to 23 the new helical cutter GSP Highline with surface finishing Ceraclean (Hall 7, stand F15). The Bizerba solution provider expands its product portfolio to the GSP Highline. The new angle cutting machine is especially suitable for cutting meat and cut vegetables, bread, cheese and will be available from January 2011. A cutting good fixation, a diagonal cutting device and a hygienic rest holder, which adapts to the different products, improve the product supply and provide easy handling of the machine. A selection of special knives for different products ensures better cutting results in everyday operation. Especially the automatic model GSP HD set new standards in the use of energy resources in terms of energy optimisation according to Andreas Gmelin, Director food “Processing for Bizerba, setting new standards: A saving of over 60 percent when cutting and over 70 percent idle compared to conventional machines speak for themselves”.

Be switched off despite a plug, a zero energy consumption. The GSP-H complies with the currently highest hygiene standards that individual components are easy to dismantle, so a quick cleaning is guaranteed. The hygienically designed blade cover, the all-in-one plate with drain Groove, a dishwasher fixed sanding and the reduction by joining points in the sled and blade protection ring wear that copes with the GSP-H currently highest hygiene standards. A lifting device is optionally available, which allows the easy lifting of the whole machine. Fatigue-free work thanks to new surface finishing as another advantage in terms of hygiene is also the new Ceraclean surface refinement. It consists of synthetic resin in combination with ceramic components, as well as Polytetrafluorthylen and using the water – and dirt-repellent effect of Lotus.

For use in the food-service”, further, speak the good non-stick and sliding properties to Gmelin. Ceraclean is 30 times harder than the traditionally used aluminium anodised, features an up to 20 percent higher mechanical property, dishwasher proof and very resistant to cleaning agents of any kind”. The good sliding properties also allow a higher operating comfort with reduced use of the body and thus a nearly effortless work. Bizerba Bizerba is a worldwide operating, leading in many areas solution providers for professional system solutions of weighing, labelling, information and food service technology in the segments retail, food industry, manufacturing and logistics. Industry-specific hard – and software, powerful network-compatible management systems, as well as a wide range of labels, consumables and business services ensure transparent control of integrated business processes and the high Availability of Bizerba-specific performance characteristics. Worldwide, Bizerba is present with 41 shareholdings in 23 countries and 54 country offices in over 120 countries. Headquarters of the company, which employs about 3,000 people, is Balingen; further production sites are located in Messkirch, B

BOND Products

Adhesives for optoelectronics – Quick cure end KATIOBONDS Windach, 08 January 2013: DELO presents new fast-curing adhesives for optoelectronics: the developer team of DELO OB and DELO-DUAL BOND has a portfolio of different light – and heat-cured adhesives DELO-KATIOBOND OB developed. These are optimally adapted to the special requirements of opto-electronics like optical stability, low outgassing and fast construction of liability. In particular for LED packages can outgassing products reflected on the lens and thus affect the intensity of light decided”, explains Rainer Dorfler, product manager at DELO. With the new adhesives we succeeded, decided to reduce the gassing.” For this purpose, DELO has developed special application-related tests. These have shown that DELO OB products do not reduce the performance of LEDs for weeks. At the same time the OB adhesives have optical stability, also in thermal aging. You substantially lower than other UV yellow or hot-curing products.

Another advantage is the very fast curing. Already at the end of the exposure a high Handfestigkeit is reached at DELO-KATIOBOND OB products, higher throughputs to reach series production. About DELO: DELO is a leading manufacturer of industrial adhesives based in Windach near Munich. In the last fiscal year to 31.03.2012, 300 employees generated a turnover of 44.2 million euros. The company offers tailor-made special adhesives and systems for applications in specific sectors of the electronics to the smart cards and automotive industry as well as in the glass and plastics processing. The customers include companies such as Bosch, Daimler, Festo, Infineon, Knowles and Siemens. DELO has a network of worldwide offices and resellers.

EX POMADE Product Launch – Flexible EXPOmove Exhibition Wall

Numerous design possibilities with curved, round or straight surfaces make the EXPOmove trade fair wall to an ideal companion for the mobile exhibit which is EXPOmove exhibition wall the latest product enhancement from the House EX POMADE. The special feature of the exhibition wall is located in the flexible design, as well as the seamless ad space. While the fair system with a classic and open booth design, as well as the 50 m convinced high trade fair Tower and the built-in storage space cabin, the EXPOmove exhibition wall is a mobile companion that allows an individual design. As EX POMADE product innovation, but also the new exhibition wall can be extended according to the modular principle. Due to this principle the fair system could depending on the stand space already can be extended or reduced, because attachments and accessories are always again flexibly supplemented. The EXPOmove exhibition wall can be adapted also different exhibition spaces.

“During the fair system of the promise protruding with system” successfully implements for over two years, the new sets “Fair wall with the slogan flexibility with system” on a high level of flexibility and mobility. Due to its individual design the EXPOmove exhibition wall can be used both in straight, curved or round shape. The freely positionable brackets allow for the customization of the form locally. The variety of exhibition wall designs can be used by the moving of the supports. The seamless print surface provides the advertising theme, but at the same time a simple installation and replacement of pressure cars not only maximum presentation area, thanks to magnetic technology. With a height of 25 m, the exhibition wall can be mounted easily on their own without stand Builder. The stability given the exhibition wall due to the floor panels.

Therefore, not only can guarantee EX POMADE trade fair system an open floor space, but also the exhibition wall. Due to the diverse areas of application and the flexible and mobile design, EXPOmove can be used not only as a trade fair wall. The use as a mobile exhibition system is also possible, since larger footprint can be equipped with the exhibition wall. Even free-standing display Islands are possible as a result of the renunciation on flat carrier. Of course, EX POMADE trade fair system and EXPOmove exhibition wall can be combined and offer an innovative and yet tailored shop-in-shop solution. By using the EX POMADE profiles for mounting of the exhibition system and the exhibition wall can be mounted not only quickly, but are made with the same system components. To ensure the flexibility of the exhibition wall but the profiles by means of magnetic strips are pre-assembled. But no system part of the exhibition wall becomes visible and the attention can be focused specifically on the advertising space. On the stand, individual island solutions can be created for high-quality presentation of exhibits and services to easily. You expomove on – find all further information to the new EXPOmove fair wall wall exhibition /.