Sweaty Plastic Windows
Why sweat the plastic windows? Dew point at a given pressure is called the temperature to which air must cool down to is contained in the steam has reached a state of saturation, and began to condense into dew. As we see from the above definition, the dew point is not static, ie, dew may be formed at any temperature within the specified range, if the humidity exceeds a certain value for given temperature. To calculate the dew point is a formula which does not make sense to stop and describe her as it is well documented. The dew point is determined by the relative humidity. The higher relative humidity, the dew point is higher and closer to the actual air temperature. The lower relative humidity, the dew point lower than the actual temperature. If the relative humidity is 100%, the dew point coincides with the actual temperature. From the above it follows that: – the dew is formed in the bath, even at high air temperatures (in summer) – the dew is formed on the premises with fresh or repair just built – if a kitchen (fry, boil, soar, dry them, water the flowers, etc.) – on the upper floors partially settles the moisture from the bottom of the neighbors getting through dushnik – if you have small children and little wind the room If you have, for some reason there is conditions for the formation of excess moisture is not listed above as an example (flooded neighbors from the top, and dry wall), or some other reason, the likelihood of fogging will be higher.
Even if you drown gas (tiles in the kitchen) then the combustion gas produced water which will also increase the humidity. How to deal with this phenomenon? First we need to determine the cause of high humidity determine how to minimize its increase the temperature inside the room if you still condensation, then exit out of this situation will decrease heat insulating glass (energosberegayuschey film, in some cases the approach is usually dubbing the film). This requires pokleit film on the entire value of glass, dismantling it from the frame. In this case, the barrier is formed from a material with low heat transfer.
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