Stacks And Batteries
Stacks and Batteries Introduction to type this text in one netbook, to speak in a cellular one, to calculate ' ' dvidas' ' in a calculator, to press ' ' play' ' in the remote control, to make a doll ' ' falar' ' , to place music in the MP4, portable radio, or in the car, everything this depends on a basic factor to be able to happen and that it is a basic property of the substance: electric energy. The present text intends to explanar one of the energy sources used currently more, and that importantssimo in the history of chemistry was a landmark, beyond being considered a clean energy, that is the Stacks. The electric properties had been observed since the antiquity, with Tales de Mileto (ca.625-550 B.C.) rubbing with a silk piece the amber (a natural resin), perceived that this attracts some straw pieces. This material one was known as ' ' elektron' ' , from where it derived our word electricity. In 1600 Otto von Guericke, it invented the first machine to produce electricity: ' ' a sulphur sphere endowed with axle a mechanical device that allowed to print a movement to it of rotao' ' (Rev. New chemistry, P. 35, 2000).
When to approach the dry hand, for example, in this equipment, will create small sparks, characteristic among others electrostatic. Other electric devices had been idealized from the machine of Von Ghericke. In century XVIII, Luigi Galvani (1737-1798), an anatomist doctor and Italian philosopher, discovered the mechanical relation between the electric impulse and movements with dissecadas frogs. For Galvani, all the animals possuam a proper electricity (animal electricity), and trying to prove its theory, it considered some scientific methodologies, amongst them, considered ' ' more basic experiment of eletrofisiologia' '. Although all its prestige and being divulged wide for all the scientific centers of the Europe, Galvani was come across with another explanation that put in xeque its theory that the animals possess electricity stored in the muscles.
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