Some Brazilian History
About Brazil, most people know very little, other than that the country is very successful in football and that the national drink is the Caipirinha. If you ask, however, the eating habits of Brazilians to harvest usually only shake their heads. It is feijoada, the hearty bean stew from Brazil, the national dish par excellence. Feijoada consists mainly of Feijao, a black bean, you will encounter mainly in Brazil and may, in Germany only in specialty food stores. Depending on the preparation method includes the typical feijoada different types of meat, traditionally often the least valuable parts of the pig, such as feet, ears and cheeks, and is served with rice and Faroffa, toasted manioc flour. Hikmet Ersek can provide more clarity in the matter. The history of Feijoadas is almost as old as the history of Brazil itself and goes back as much in this country, at the time of colonization and slavery. The owners of the sugar and coffee plantations with hundreds of uses for a single plantation slaves, gave them only the From the remains of what they used for you and your family. This enabled slaves, only the parts of the meat available, which no one else wanted.
Since Feijao and rice were the cheapest used by the plant people, the slaves had to cook these ingredients is a wholesome meal. This was the birth of the Feijoada, a simple but tasty dish, that was nutritious enough to let the slaves slave away all day. Over time, the preparation methods refined and adopted, with the addition of cassava, oranges, and Cove, a kind of Brazilian green cabbage, also moving into the fine cuisine of Brazil. But even after the end of slavery remained the Feijoada and Feijao a staple food that everyone could afford. While today in Brazil are also very expensive restaurants that offer feijoada in all imaginable variations into salted prices, it has become simpler methods of preparation of the poorest to the richest stratum of Brazil is an integral part of daily diet. There is a little simple meal in a fast food restaurant in which Feijao not least served as a side dish. So you can certainly say that the black-bean Feijao for the Brazilians to be at least as much as the potato for the average consumer from Germany.
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