Outdoor Advertising
Padding – already a familiar design that effectively used for outdoor reklamy.I not often someone who thought about and what makes them. All we saw hanging over the road-colored pieces of fabric! Proposal kinds of shares, discounts, and obtaining of … So what does make this unobtrusive advertising assistants? Traditionally, the use of two materials (): cotton and silk. Cotton – used when placing banners on a decade. For this type of fabric characterized by background color selection from the available samples, screen drawing of the image.
Cotton fibers will cost 2 times cheaper than its counterpart silk. Silk – suitable for long-term accommodation (3 decades = 1 month), as well as obtaining a complex full-color image. The standard size constrictions 14.0 x1, 1m. However, you can see the guy with other advertising area: 10×1, 1m., 13h1, 1m. 15 x 1,1 m. And if reklma on banners was not as effective and Number of her audience would not have been equal to almost 300 000 (the most active areas), it would be a pity to waste 14 square meters of silk in a ten-day fun advertising.
Our motor trade, like everything else, too, is not on the place, and, increasingly, we can see its new fruit – all kinds of glowing vpuklye or protruding parts – extenders. Material and the properties of such details may be different and perhaps very soon we will see something more enchanting and unexpected. And once, incidentally, was considered quite unconventional prank Mr. Mayakovsky, congratulating himself on his birthday with this uncomplicated design. It is interesting to know that this format Outdoor advertising has been seen already in the XIX century, in the early XX Bolsheviks actively used for agitation of the civilian population. It is in this periood they got their ubiquity in Russia, although in Europe and the United States they have not had enough attention.
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