Learning Outcomes
Scenario methods enable a holistic view of the problem and point to the need for action the strategic instruments of qualification management include qualitative demand estimates, trend exploration, human resources technology impact assessments, strengths-weaknesses analysis, opportunities-risks analysis, code analysis, early warning systems and employee surveys. On the basis of personal portfolios dealing with questions such as: what is the current performance? What should the future potential for development look like? Specific personnel scenarios can be developed, taking into account the relevant factors in the field of operational planning. The qualification needs analysis is part of the comprehensive business planning at the same time. At the strategic level, it is advisable to bring a close link between human resource development and business planning. In practice, seminars are often distributed after the Giesskannprinzip unless the demand is actually known. Employees should therefore only Training take part if they have any relation to their daily work.
Should you decide to embed the personnel development in a comprehensive approach to the balance of the person, so a number of HR publications created, by Jorg Becker, including in this context: Becker, Jorg: personnel controlling means a person record, ISBN 978-3-8381-0177-3. For each position, a requirement profile must be created therefore on its Soll-Werten the employee is classified. In the context of goal-setting talks, the employee is to inform what courses are necessary in order to meet the requirements of the position. To be used for the qualification needs analysis instruments and methods include including job analysis, requirement profiles, performance appraisals and qualification potential. In particular this involves the findings according to the content, as well as the temporal location of the required qualification. In determining the training needs of senior management and supervisors should determine which (Skills within the organization need to be improved to a) today’s tasks optimally to meet and b) to secure the continued existence of the company in the future.
Should you decide to embed the personnel development in a comprehensive approach to the balance of the person, so a number of HR publications created, by Jorg Becker, including in this context: Becker, Jorg: employee survey as intellectual seismograph, ISBN 978-3-8370-5085-1. If the training topics and objectives of the training measures have been defined, should be analysed in a concept on how the identified skills gaps to be filled. I.e. not for any emerging issue a seminar must be same visited. Because often the required knowledge exists internally with experienced colleagues. Within the framework of realization of training, the objectives should be first accurately determined and thereafter provider according to briefed. A concept contest is to recommend, on the basis of briefings or a trial to hold, to the eligible Party can get a more accurate picture. Each seminar participation should detail evaluated on the basis of feedback sheets, as well as after about half a year at the latest the learning achievements be re-examined in the daily work. See complementary Becker, Jorg: Potentialorientierte employee conversations, ISBN 978-3-8370-5180-3 or. Becker, Jorg: Headhunter in their own right, ISBN 9783839124642. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker (www.beckinfo.de)
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