Info Day 2011: With The Success Calculation
Dr. Dr. Gert Mittring speaks as a dinner speaker Aachen, March 29, 2010 – the program for the info day 2011 convinces with innovative topics and speakers. The exquisite program is rounded off by a social evening with a dinner speaker of extraordinaire: Dr. Dr.
Gert Mittring, math world champion in the mental arithmetic, is Hotel inform the participants at the Cologne Marriott and entertain. Agenda the starfish info day 2011 deals with innovative topics that seem at the moment important SAP users: in the all-day event experiences introduces managed services for “set-aside” SAP systems, SAP system optimizations and others of German companies with third-party maintenance for SAP systems, SAP. In both national and international companies and customers can tell from their experience as could be required as speakers. “A high practical benefits which can be achieved in a very short term seemed especially important in the planning of the programme”, explains Axel Susen, initiator of the starfish IT Forum and the Info Day 2011. At the evening event participants can then end the informative day at a champagne reception, meet other members and once again discuss the tag contents. Guests are entertaining the dinner speaker Dr.
Dr. Gert Mittring, the German Mittring, who holds many impressive world records in the mental arithmetic and several times is the Guinness Book of world records. His lecture “With calculation to success” will be doing just as informative as amusing. The detailed agenda and registration form can be found under. At James Reinhart you will find additional information. On the homepage, you can conveniently via the registration form register online or use the download form by fax. Short profile Starfish IT Forum that Starfish IT Forum is an independent community of interest of SAP users from the roof States. The objective of the Forum is to improve the IT organization of participants practical. The starfish IT Forum is the ideal platform to find like-minded people, to exchange experiences, to analyse problems and to solve. There are many ideas in the future can save much money for all involved. On the starfish Forum they are born and implemented. Axel Susen
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