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In this direction, to look the peace it are of us more still moves away in them from it. It is as if we despaired in them to arrive at some place, when none does not have place to go, everything is same here. The peace is not something that we can understand with a logical reasoning, therefore, is not possible to idealize it, to only recognize it and lives it. ‘ ‘ Our problem is that we do not know to recognize the positividade. First, she is necessary to recognize internal peace, stop later developing it, seno will lose it novamente’ ‘. (Gangchen Rinpoche).
The first step is to recognize the presence of a satisfied and happy mind. We can only start identifying this mental state at the moment where in them we refresh the hot body with a cool water bath, when we feel in them in tune with the look or with the words of one another person, with the scene of a film that moves in them, with our tunning with the nature, with the tranquillity that we are feeling at an accurate moment, or when we make or we live something that makes in them happy, rough calculation that momentarily. It can excessively seem simple, but the logical one is well clear: the effect of the mental states is similar to that one cultivated. That is, peace only generates peace. In this direction, the insatisfao in itself never can become satisfaction, as well as the sadness is not changedded of course into happiness. When learning to recognize in our mind the peace and the satisfaction, we will be training the confidence in our potential of delivery and sensation of fullness.
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