Holistic Education
Talk of the editorial work of Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava represents a highly enriching adventure since it involves elaborate in irrefutable topical issues such as spirituality, universal love and holistic education. The first book, holistic education, effectively is pedagogy, holism and universal love, fades to give answers to the current problems of humanity through education. The abundant production that happens to him is an expansion of this germ that as stem cell is generating cells differentiated to the specific attention in the universal love that generates them. Thus we have dialogues Holistas, wisdom, love and compassion, the path of the perennial philosophy, the spirit of education, an Integral Vision of education, pedagogy of Universal love, education of the heart, learn to be, education and spirituality, intelligence Spiritual and the written work of Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava learning communities is only part of his work of universal love, because it is not limited to the written speech and oral, but accompanied by actions. In the aforementioned books it is repetitive in terms of the value it attaches to education, but understood as the process of integral development of being that it includes the development of awareness, spirituality, multiple capabilities human, of reason, of sensory perceptions, emotions. The holistic vision is strengthened by the reading of each of his books, where do not plot boundaries or barriers between the physical and metaphysical; between the finite and the infinite; between the original life manifested along about 20 thousand years; between Big Bango and Galactic events of the moment. Flowing vision in a deployment of the cosmos that into a spiral of ascending development transcendent of matter, of life, of the essence leads to the Supreme expression of being. However, this slow and the fleeting time travel is uphill, ascending, that requires effort and clear vision with eye suitable to each case to not decay into pathologies and continue the evolutionary ascent.
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