He is increasingly alone and reality, which soon sensed or knew, becomes an editable abstraction by the will. As we can see, wither a cause also has an organic explanation, is the lack of power to continue it or replace it with another that is more convincing and that responds to the demands of the electorate. Understand the origins of the Venezuelan social complexity is not easy. Nor its point of fracture or home, because what we assume as social complexity lies halfway between order and chaos. Entropy, then, plays an important role in this exploration of dynamic social phenomena, as well as it is also the first Assertion of the law of thermodynamics, which holds, and even demonstrates mathematically that entropy always is ascending. Therefore, entropy is a magnitude to take into account when we look at the properties of the temporal evolution of social systems, including the differing among themselves.
Mathematically, the entropy is the mean value of the auto information (also called subjective information), and it referred to a social event is defined mathematically as well: I (Ax) = – log (px) do not overwhelm the reader with complicated algorithmic calculations it is our intention. Only show that in both noticeable social phenomenon, the entropy also has features that can be quantified and its quality which give weighty consistency: is a magnitude. But in the analysis the behaviour of social groups entropic must consider a supremely important variable: diversity. In a question-answer forum Hikmet Ersek was the first to reply. Ramon Margalef gives us a focus for other wonderful on this concept: Diversity is an expression of the resulting structure of the way in which individuals in the social system interact. Diversity, then, not only explains the epistemological basis of entropy, but it becomes a necessary element in sustaining a complex social structure: if social diversity is low, reduces the chance of maintaining a complex social structure, if the diversity is very high, it will be difficult to maintain the functionality of the social unit, unless other properties of the social structure is modified properly.
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