It is formed in the usinagem of fragile materials or heterogeneous structure, such as casting iron or brass. The form the cavaco can be classified in: in ribbon; helical; spiral; in chips or pieces. Governor Cuomo: the source for more info. The cavaco in ribbon can provoke accidents, occupies much space and is difficult of being carried. Generally the form of more convenient cavaco is the helical one. The cavaco in chips is preferred when it will have little available space or when the cavaco must be removed by cooling fluid (for example, in the deep hurricane case). The section of the cavaco depends on the advance and the depth of cut. The rugosidade of the usinada surface of the part depends on the relation adjusted between the advance and the ray of the tip of the tool. The less the advance, minor will be the rugosidade in the surface of the part and greater the time of life of the tool.
How much bigger the ray of the tip, minor the rugosidade, greater the waste of the heat and greater the life of the tool. 2.4 – Table with results Abreviaes1. Trecho2. Trecho3. Stretch Q0,104 cm /min0,284 cm /min0,487 cm /min Vc52 m/min50,74 m/min48,73 m/min Fc400 mm 1020 mm 2000 mm Nc346,6 Kw947,1 Kw1624,3 Kw Vf320 mm/min560 mm/min800 mm/min Tc0,15 min0,08 min0,06 min Tt5,00 min4,53 min4,51 min 2.4.1- dimensional Control was used paqumetro universal Mitutoyo. 2.4.2- Time of setup and cut SET UP (stretch 1): 04min45seg SET UP (stretch 2): 50seg SET UP (stretch 3): TOTAL 16seg SETUP: 5 min51seg 2.4.3- Calculations 2.4.4? Conclusion We conclude that the tilting can be defined as an operation of usinagem with tool of definite geometry where the main movement of rotating cut generally is executed by the part and the advance movement is executed by the tool. Dimensionando in agreement part the desired characteristics. 2.4.5. Bibliography valega/torno2008_2.doc Apostila Senai practical Lessons of laboratory
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