Collective Negotiation
If one of the parts denounces the agreement before the lack in agreement to renew it will count on a maximum term of " 20 meses" in order to negotiate it. At the same time the one stays that the representatives of the workers can exert the right to strike whereas he negotiates. Greater protagonism of the company agreement. Thus, in agreement with the rough draft, the regulation of the conditions established in a company agreement will have priority on the sectorial one in the matter of " wage bases, in wage complements, extraordinary hours, specific repayment of the work to turn, schedule and distribution of the time of trabajo". Also the same as far as " will happen; planning annual of the vacations, professional classification, modalities of hiring and measures that favor the conciliation between the labor life and familiar". The joint commissions are reinforced. This organ, formed by the representatives of the workers and the industralist, acquires major protagonism at the time of interpreting conflicts on the agreement in rrido to the internal flexibility.
To its resolutions " occurs them the same; effectiveness jurdica" that to the agreement. Thus, in case of discord in the consultations on modification of the conditions of work, any of will be able to put under it to the parts the joint commission of the agreement, that will have a maximum term of seven days to pronounce itself. If the conflict were not solved either, then it would resort to the procedures of resolution of conflicts that settle down in the multi-industry agreements of the state and autonomic scope. To the case of the wages one pays attention that " inaplicacin" on the part of the industralist of the agreed thing (the denominated clause of offs-hook) it will entail the one that it determines with exactitude what is what the worker will receive. Creation of the Council of Labor Relations and Collective Negotiation. The document proposes the creation of this advice as consultative agency and advising, assigned to the Ministry of Work, tripartite and joint character. Mutual and absenteeism. In the document rrencia does not become some to which the unions and the employer’s association agreed on mutual and absenteeism before the 2 of June gave by defeats the negotiations to agree to they it reform. Source of the news: The Government affirms to be open to flexibility formulas that are " fruit of acuerdo"
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