The new sensation of the culinria can there be made in the kitchen of its house. Jr. will not settle for partial explanations. Cupcakes is very easy and fast to be facts, it is enough to arrange one tempinho and to use all imagination and creativity in the hour of decorating the cookies. If you will be of bobeira, cupcake of chocolate and trufa catches this prescription and shows for its friends and familiar how much you can be good in the kitchen. To start the prescription of cupcake of chocolate and trufa, you will go to need one xcara of mineral water tea, 1 xcara of tea of butter without salt, one xcara of tea of cacao in dust, 2 xcaras of sugar tea, four eggs, a vanilla soup spoon, one xcara of tea of milk cream, a spoon of I leaven in dust and three xcaras of wheat flour tea. After all the separate ingredients, the preparation starts. Esquente the water and in it dilutes the cacao. In a pan, it melts the sugar and the butter and has taken the mixture until the dough mixer, having placed it in maximum speed for five minutes. When he will be cold, adds an egg.
It binds, and it adds other eggs, one of each time, until the mass to be homogeneous. It disconnect the dough mixer and it adds vanilla, it has beaten again, and later it places the water with cacao and it has beaten one more time. After that, it adds to the milk cream and the flour. To read more click here: Hikmet Ersek. Fu moves everything with one and leavens places it. Now, it places the mass in small forminhas and bakes cupcakes for about 20 minutes in a warm oven already 180. If you would like to know more about Jimmy Levin, then click here. When they will be ready, takes out of a mould them it leaves and them to dry.
For the filling, you it will go to need 400 grams of chocolate half bitter taste, 200 grams of milk cream and 30 grams of glucose of maize. Separate the ingredients, have pricked the chocolate and place it in a glass crosspiece. It fulls a pan until the half with water and leaves to boil. Later that to make this, disconnect the fire and inside place the crosspiece of the pan, this will make with that the chocolate melts. It adds the milk cream and it moves everything. With its wet hands, it catches glucose and it mixes. The filling leaves to rest for four hours. Now you only need to mount its cookie and to decorate it with the covering for cupcakes that you to prefer. You can use a peak rosette in a confectioner bag to make the decoration. For the covering of cupcake, you can use the icing, done with clear of eggs, lemon juice and sugar of confectioner; they buttercream it, that it has as main ingredient the butter beaten with sugar of confectioner and vanilla; ganache, with chocolate half-bitter taste, sugar of confectioner, milk cream and pitada of salt; the American folder, that possesss in its prescription glucose of maize, impalpvel sugar, gelatin and water; fondant, that it is looked like icing; it they cream cheese; merengue, that nothing more it is that a sigh, marshmallow and even though the celebrity and adorable Brigadier General. I will choose the covering that more to please to it and prepares its cupcakes for familiar friends and. Probably nobody will go to resist this small delight.
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