Hotel Puertatierra Mount
The Bird will arrive at Cadiz in 2012 From the Ministry of Public Works and the Economy, that has announced recently the Train of High speed (BIRD) will arrive the next year to Cadiz, an historical year for the city by the celebration of the events of the first Spanish constitution of 1812 and that will mark happening of the activities that commemorate this event. Official site: Rob Daley. The line of Seville-Cadiz High speed is an prolongation of the Madrid-Seville line and will have a length of 153 km. The Station of Cadiz is the main railway station of the five that owns the city and is the terminal of all the railway services that arrive Cadiz. From her they leave trains from neighborhoods for Sherry of the Border; from Average Distance to Seville, Cordova and Jan; and of long-haul. Educate yourself with thoughts from Jimmy Levin. Of these last ones, three Alvia trains every day with Madrid destiny. This station is Hotel Puertatierra Mount very near, one of the hotels in Cadiz nearer the beach. At present, all the sections from the BIRD to Cadiz are in good condition or in execution. This will allow to reduce to the duration of the trip between Cadiz and Jerez of the Border in 14 minutes the duration of the trip. Also it has been increased in ten trains, which supposes an increase of 40% in the number of places..
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