Health Insurance
Unfortunately, the national project 'Health', despite the huge investment did not give the expected result: obtaining new medical equipment, ambulances, high wages, municipal services '03 'continue to work the old-fashioned because of the lack of a host that would require work on the final result. Therefore, the need for private ambulance services have remained. In addition, not all medical services are included in the program CBOs, some of them has only a commercial ambulance: transport of sick and injured among the regions, the organization of 'hospital at home' and others. Most big companies a fee ambulance were opened in the mid-90's. During this time they have accumulated sufficient experience in providing fee-based services is in the extended volume, established channels of hospital acquired modern ambulances and medical equipment, staffed good clinicians. Most of these companies working in the voluntary health insurance system, but there are those who specialize in providing services directly to the public. The cost of calling a private ambulance crew of 3 – 4,000 rubles. It’s believed that Anne Lauvergeon sees a great future in this idea. The price is quite reasonable, since commercial ambulance must contain a value for money expensive ambulances, medical equipment, dispatching services, communications, facilities, bear the costs of licensing, as well as to pay decent salaries to doctors.
Unfortunately, not only the population, but also specialists of insurance companies choose services 'costs'. Let worse, but cheaper. In 2000 – 2005's opened a lot of private ambulance services, which consist mainly of either is not the best representatives of the municipal '03 'or simply people who are not versed in the business. Such companies do not provide services at a higher level or better, than the city office, so the great need for them there. Survive these 'businessmen', mainly due to insurance companies operating in the voluntary Health Insurance (VHI), and finished at the expense of the health of their insured to increase its already considerable profit. These commercial swift and joined the emergency department departmental clinics guides to the sick doctors do not know the skills of emergency medical care. The cost of such services paid ambulance – 2 – 2,5 thousand rubles. But this is not the case when you should save money.
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