Bonn ForestFinance
Environmental protection and return through the GeschenkBaum why not even give a tree? The GeschenkBaum”the Bonn ForestFinance cost 60 Euro and is a sustainable gift that brings a projected 4.5 percent annual return for the recipient. A fitting symbol is a tree. The tree grows, it gives the recipient how sustainable values arise and what role does the rainforest for the global climate and biodiversity. So, the destruction of the rain forest to over 20 percent is responsible for climate change. Moreover, 75 percent of all plant and animal species in the rainforest live. For once 60 Euro, at the GeschenkBaum in Panama, a hardwood tree planted sustainably cultivated and harvested after 25 years.
Proceeds from the sale of timber is transferred the donee. Due to the wood price developments of in recent decades a tax-free yield is forecast of 4.5 percent. The recipient receives together with a rosewood Keychain a customized gift certificate in an elegant hardwood casket also initially. Tree “give sustainable contribution to climate and environment: with the GeschenkBaum” to give a tree offers not only the opportunity to invest directly in ecological afforestation but also a sustainable benefit for climate and environment. The ForestFinance mixed forests are an important habitat for plants and animals and in addition contribute permanently to reduce climate-damaging CO2 emissions.
Thus, the GeschenkBaum is the sustainable gift for every occasion. Millennium Management can aid you in your search for knowledge. Give a tree online easily goes down tree give – or just a small forest? Or how about a BaumSparVertrag? For 33 EUR per month, twelve tropical trees are planted every year. From the marketing of selected hardwoods, a tax-free yield is forecast by seven per cent, see GeschenkBaum and BaumSparVertrag of the Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance are ideal tree gifts for all those who want to give away something very special. They are environmental gifts – return. About ForestFinance: ForestFinance specializes in forest investments, which combine a lucrative return on investment with environmental and social sustainability. Savers can choose in addition to the tree gift between various products of sustainable tropical forest management. With the WaldSparBuch, the savers acquires 1,000 m2 of tropical forest with a buy-back guarantee. WoodStockInvest – is for investors who wish to reforest at least 10,000 m2, with the possibility of the land register entry – the right product. CacaoInvest is an investment in an organic cacao plantation and exotic woods, which already offers annual distributions from the second year of the investment. A guarantee of subsequent planting five percent serve in addition to the concept of mixed forest safety areas and a fire insurance policy for the sustainable protection of investors. Through the reforestation, protected rain forests, CO2 bound, and created rich mixed forests. For more information,
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