Water Artificial
Lakes or artificial sources give a touch of elegance to your patio, at home or in any place where you, even museums have artificial lakes, zoos, or say, but one can imagine how difficult that is to keep one of these ponds? They are like pools, since they must be given special maintenance that takes much time consuming, your pH should be measured, should take care of not to grow aquatic plants, among other things by other complicated. Bio Chem has a product capable of cleaning your pond of these aquatic plants and also gives the water a blue aqua color remaining perfectly for the purpose of the pond. This product, called Bio Shade, filters out certain ranges of sunlight to control the growth of algae and other unwanted aquatic plants, both in ponds or natural lakes such as artificial, as well as give them a showy color. Remember the name, Bio Shade B1000. You might need it.
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