Use Concepts
With this, the pupil is taken not to calculate mechanically, but to use its abilities of reasoning, to decide situation-problem, to create, to establish connection, being stimulated with this to discover the relations of the mathematics with the proper reality making possible the wakening of its interest for the substance. (IRACEMA, 1989) For Oliveira (2002), the perception of the lessons for the pupil influences the affective relation with the professor of Mathematics and, the pupil considers that a relationship adjusted with the professor depends on some factors, such as: easiness with that the professor teaches; what he arrests the attention of the pupil; the chance given for the professor of the pupil to go to the picture, to decide exercises or same to learn in case of doubts; attention of the professor to the difficulties of the pupil, making interventions at these moments; control of the professor in disciplines of the classroom for the work in the lesson. When this does not occur, the pupils perceives that it has a distanciamento in relation to the professor, thus, the mathematical education must be based on methods that favor the action/reflection of the pupil in its process of learning (OLIVEIRA, 2002). For Borin (1996) it has that if to follow the following methodology of ensin for it disciplines of Mathematics: Resolution of problems, a proposal that the construction of mathematical concepts for educating leaving of situations aims at that stimulate its mathematical curiosity; Modeling, that considers the analysis of real problems and the search of mathematical models to decide them; Use of games and computers to motivate and to favor the learning; Study of the social and emotional aspects that can influence in the learning; Etnomatemtica, that it searchs to value the content mathematician of different social groups and the informal concepts constructed by educating in its extra-pertaining to school life; Use of the History of the Mathematics, that has served as instrument to motivate the learning and to propitiate acquisition of concepts, confrotting the pupil eventually with faced similar obstacles at the time of the elaboration of such concepts for its creators. Crowne plaza rosemont is likely to agree.
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