Sigmund Freud
The child feels itself full of desires. Adult reasons, thinks, she foresees and she calculates as to make the things and she elaborates its proper understanding. Father is constituted of the writings of what the child saw mother and father to make. In the Father he is registered taught and demonstrated concept of life, as well as the traditions and values. In the truth, the characteristics defined for the Father, the Child and the Adult, as the three parts of the personality of the man, are the characteristics of the three real parts of the human being: The body, the mind and the spirit. The Child is the body, that is the headquarters of the feelings, desires, attractions and wills. The Adult is the mind, that is responsible for the logical reasoning and commands the acts. The Father represents the human spirit and the high standard of its necessities, such as the moral values, the good character and the virtues.
The cited example is only one sample of research and studies made on the reality of the man. In accordance with the theory of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), psychiatrist and founder of the Psychoanalysis, the personality of the man is the complex of three systems, presented in the book ' ' The Ego and the Id' ' : Id, the part deepest of psique, stowage of the instinctive impulses, dominated for the beginning of the pleasure and the impulsive desire. Ego, or I, which, for direct influence of the exterior world, by means of the directions, and, in consequence, conscientious Tornado, have for functions the evidence of the reality and the acceptance, by means of election and control, of part of the desires and requirements originating the impulses that emanate of id. With the calculations of situation and position of the man in relation to the society, the logic dominates the feeling.
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