Salary Calculation
Before calling the table must be reentrant on the tab “Register account” form view algorithm for calculating the salary set a filter on the category of case records, equal, “Calculation of the average wage.” In this If the table reentrant for selection and installation will be made available as general signs of reentrant and reentrant features unique to the category of accounting registers using the “Calculation of the average wage.” 3. On intersection of the rows (species accounts) and columns (accounting registers) must specify one of the following reentrant calculations based on the types of registries average salary: – “X” – is included in the register of records. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Governor Cuomo. – “H” – not takes into account the payment of the following periods. In forming the average wage by type of settlement, for which the table is set reentrant sign “Do not take into account the payment of the following periods,” the amounts are not included in the current period and are recorded in the appropriate follow-up periods. – “K” – counts the sum of the average wage, taking into account payments for the current period, paid in prior periods, as follows: Sc = SH / KH * Kc, where Sc – sum of the average salary used to calculate a charge for the month of A; SH – the amount of charges, taken into account in interpreting the average salary per month in the calculation of B average salary per month A; Book – the amount of waste hours per month B; Kc – the number of hours worked per month A – “O” – charging recalculated if the number of hours worked per month, which is formed by decoding is less than the number of hours scheduled for that month.
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