But even in total darkness, most people retain a sense of space. Being in the lighting, but a closed room, you are just a few hours will no longer feel the movement of time. And if you want to calculate how long you are in this room, you are very mistaken in their calculations. Therefore, if we rely on our memory, we do not notice what is spent our time 'Working with the list of planned Affairs on the first day increases productivity by 25%. C in the evening to cook a list of tasks that have to do tomorrow. Arriving at work, you'll always know where to start your day. Continue to work by making a list of During the day: when a new case make it to the list, with priority with respect to the previously scheduled tasks.
After completing the next task from the list, be sure to cross out her. This will give you a sense of satisfaction with their work, will add enthusiasm and energy charge. Plan from large to small, from long to short, from the life goals to plan for the day. Each task, put a fixed period of time. Complex the problem always divide into smaller subtasks. Here well to the decision tree, where the key task – the tree, and subtasks to accomplish it – the branch. Continue to 'fork' as long as the process of implementing the entire problem becomes simple and transparent. Before you start to do something, think about the rule of 10/90: 10% of the time spent on planning before the start of the task, save 90% time in its solution.
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