Domesticated Cows
A number of scholars believe and insist that wild and old bulls and cows (rounds) was domesticated about eight or nine thousand years ago. According to their calculations it happened in those places where it was particularly well developed agriculture, and namely – the peoples who lived in the valleys of the great rivers of the Tigris, Euphrates and the Nile, in the ducts of the Indus and . It is in those places, people bred in the most productive, demographics of those areas dramatically gathered momentum. And there, in the valleys of these rivers, many people have need of priority in power and muscle of animals. It was there that people are catching of wild animals, ruthless force and constant beatings (and often under threat of death) have led the poor and natured wild herbivores bulls pull heavy plows for many hours a day. The ancient people called this phenomenon is a beautiful expression: domestication (domestication) of wild cows, bulls, and tours. Yet not one of bulls used local residents who lived in those places, they were forced to pull plows, even cows, who, in connection with his feminine weaker (compared with the bulls), obedient, and the nature quieter. When the bulls are properly handled the cultivating, and they remained free time, people decided that the bulls should not relax. And the clever, while selfish, but weak people quickly adapted and used oxen and other heavy work. Bulls clock spun millstones, carried any weight, faithful companions of the same bull – cow, the man decided just to milk and eat.
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