Argentine Century
By Alfredo Armando Aguirre a few days ago was commemoro for these latitudes, half a century of the death of Eva Peron (this was not obstacle for in speech that seldom is reflected in the media, an important but not majority sector as that follows her admiring, follow expressing visceral hatred that passed you your predecessors gorillas, as here are called who professed aversion to everything related to the Argentine Peronist phenomenon). Digression aside, the lines that follow spend remember also met half a century of crisis in the Argentine memory that allows you to give perspective to these days crespusculares in both bands of the Rio de La Plata. When one gets is diachronic retrospectives (which are not usual for seekers of explanations in the previous mid-term), is tempted to continue tracking the alleged ills, from the stance that: in the spiritual, the past and the future are born and grow together. They coexist and will permeate one another, (Alberto Rouges, 1942), believes perceive that the Argentina comes contrahecha from its origins, when along with the rest of the Spanish colonies, they initiated a process of formal, too functional emancipation to the wishes of diplomacy and business British at beginning of 19th century. There are those who risk and with enough basis, that the ills start with the very beginning of the colonization and evangelization hispanica in the first third of the 16th century, arguing that now Spain was declining. In 1912, the Rosario-born thinker Juan Alvarez, public an essay about the Argentine civil wars, drawing conclusions about the power struggles, accompanied by physical violence, which began at the moment of emancipation..
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